Trace file path in Oracle
The following script returns the path to the trace file that the current session writes. It returns the path whether or not tracing is enabled. SELECT u_dump.VALUE || '/' || db_name.VALUE || '_ora_' ||...
View ArticleHow to enable debugging in Order Management
The process for debugging any operation for Order Management module is given below. Set the value of profile option, OM: Debug Level to 5. The highest level for debugging is 5. This means that all...
View ArticleForms login error in Oracle Apps
When I tried to login to a new instance of Oracle Apps, an instance to which I had never connected before from my computer, I got the following error: When I clicked on Details button I got...
View ArticleLogin error in Oracle Apps r12
I have got a strange kind of error when I tried to login to a freshly cloned r12 instance. The version of Oracle was 12.1.3 Entered the user name and password Pressed Login button and got the following...
View ArticleHow to trace a form/session in Oracle Apps
We are getting the following error in Oracle when we are trying to cancel a PO. We need to find out the code running behind the scenes to identify the issue. We need to generate a trace file and check...
View ArticleBounce Oracle Mobile server in Apps
The steps to bounce the Oracle Mobile server is given below. Start Oracle Mobile server $INST_TOP/admin/scripts/ start 10260 We are assuming that the mobile server runs only on 1 port. If the...
View ArticleBounce concurrent managers in Apps
In a previous article I had discussed how to bounce Apache/Web server on Oracle. In this article I have discussed how concurrent managers are bounced. Check the running concurrent managers from the...
View ArticleHow to check whether a patch has been applied in Oracle
We can check whether a particular patch has been applied in Oracle in 2 ways, from the front end form or from the backend. Both methods are given below. Apps form Responsibility: System Administrator...
View ArticleConcurrent program output delivery options in Oracle R12
Oracle R12 has given the users a new set of delivery options. Users no longer need to run a concurrent program, save the output of the program on their local computer and then email, FTP, fax or print...
View ArticleHow to get the file versions from the Oracle database
There are many reasons why we might need to get the file version of a particular code within Oracle. The main reason being that Oracle requires the file version of certain files within the Oracle...
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