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Change Viewer Options to view concurrent request output in web browser


In Oracle Apps if you run a concurrent request and check the output (if the output is in text format)/log file then the file will be displayed in the default viewer of Oracle. This can be changed so that the content is displayed in the default web browser of the local computer.

For example, execute a concurrent program that gives TEXT output

Click on View Output button

The request output is displayed in the Oracle form viewer. Now click on Tools > Copy File

You will see the output in the browser

If you instead wanted to view the output directly in the web browser then you need to check the following setup.


Responsibility: System Administrator

Navigation: Install > Viewer Options

Note the value of Description field for File Format = Text and Mime Type = text/plain

Navigation: Profile > System

Query for “Viewer: %

Click on Find button.

You can see that the Profile Option Name = Viewer: Text does not have any value set. Assign the value, Browser for this profile option.

Save the form and log out of Oracle apps.

Test the change

Log back into Oracle and open the SRS form to see the concurrent request

Click on View Output button

Now you will see that the output opens directly in the web browser.


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