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Trace file path in Oracle


The following script returns the path to the trace file that the current session writes. It returns the path whether or not tracing is enabled.

SELECT    u_dump.VALUE
       || '/'
       || db_name.VALUE
       || '_ora_'
       || v$process.spid
       || NVL2 (v$process.traceid,
                '_' || v$process.traceid,
       || '.trc' "Trace File"
  FROM v$parameter u_dump CROSS JOIN v$parameter db_name
       CROSS JOIN v$process
       JOIN v$session ON v$process.addr = v$session.paddr
 WHERE u_dump.NAME = 'user_dump_dest' AND db_name.NAME = 'db_name' AND v$session.audsid = SYS_CONTEXT ('userenv', 'sessionid');

Execute this query in the database

If you alter the session using the following script

SET tracefile_identifier = here_is_my_session;

Now execute the script to generate the trace file name

Note that the trace file name has been modified to include “HERE_IS_MY_SESSION” in the name. This way the trace file can be easily identified in a huge list of trace files within a directory.

Thanks to René Nyffenegger for providing this.


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