The following script returns the path to the trace file that the current session writes. It returns the path whether or not tracing is enabled.
SELECT u_dump.VALUE || '/' || db_name.VALUE || '_ora_' || v$process.spid || NVL2 (v$process.traceid, '_' || v$process.traceid, NULL ) || '.trc' "Trace File" FROM v$parameter u_dump CROSS JOIN v$parameter db_name CROSS JOIN v$process JOIN v$session ON v$process.addr = v$session.paddr WHERE u_dump.NAME = 'user_dump_dest' AND db_name.NAME = 'db_name' AND v$session.audsid = SYS_CONTEXT ('userenv', 'sessionid');
Execute this query in the database
If you alter the session using the following script
ALTER SESSION SET tracefile_identifier = here_is_my_session;
Now execute the script to generate the trace file name
Note that the trace file name has been modified to include “HERE_IS_MY_SESSION” in the name. This way the trace file can be easily identified in a huge list of trace files within a directory.
Thanks to René Nyffenegger for providing this.