In a previous article I had discussed how to bounce Apache/Web server on Oracle. In this article I have discussed how concurrent managers are bounced.
Check the running concurrent managers from the front end
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Concurrent > Manager > Administrator
You can see that the concurrent managers are running. You can individually stop the managers from this form by selecting the concurrent manager and clicking on Deactivate. If you do so, Oracle will spawn the concurrent program, Deactivate All Managers (Deactivate), to stop the individual manager.
To activate an individual manager you need to select the manager and click on Activate (the deactivate button changes to Activate when the manager is deactivated). Once the Activate button is clicked it spawns the concurrent program, Activate Cost Worker Manager (Activate).
To bounce all the running concurrent managers together we need to run an admin script from Unix.
Log into Unix.
Go to the admin scripts directory
$cd $INST_TOP/admin/scripts
Execute the script in stop mode to stop all the running concurrent managers.
Enter stop
Enter the apps user name and password
The script output shows that all running concurrent managers are being shut down.
Now check the concurrent managers in Apps
You will notice that the managers are deactivated.
We shall now start the managers. Execute the script in start mode
$ start
Enter apps database user name and password
The script gives the output that the managers have been started.
Now let’s check the managers from the front end.
We see that the managers have been activated.
Related articles
- Bounce Oracle Mobile server in Apps (